Released its daily report on Phone Number Database the global pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19. The international organization reported that more than 638,146 confirmed cases of contagion have been registered. He also reported that unfortunately the deaths amounted to 30,105 worldwide. However, it should be mentioned that data Phone Number Database Johns Hopkins University indicates that cases already exceed 700 thousand cases. In the case of Mexico, the Ministry of Health indicated that in the country there are 993 confirmed cases and 20 deaths. The recommendation of the authorities is to Phone Number Database in social distancing and stay at home, only going out if strictly necessary.
Facebook The social network has implemented various changes and adjustments to its platform in the wake of the coronavirus, and it seems that it will continue. According to a Bloomberg report, Facebook boss Fiji Simo said the company Phone Number Database creating new features to help users and small businesses affected by the global lockdown. The phone number database reason for this mobility is because the Menlo Park firm seeks to capitalize on the increased use of apps such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Facebook Live, but Phone Number Database it will also do so with FB Marketplace. Rick and Morty In difficult times it is always necessary to get out of the routine and emotional state in .
Which most people are absorbed. Almost as if it were the intention to break with this state, Adult Swim presented a short film very much in Phone Number Database anime style of Rick and Morty entitled o Samurai & Shogun that shows a more sadistic side of the well-known characters, which encouraged the fans, because in less Within 24 hours the video exceeded 3 million views on YouTube alone. Rick and Morty are on a break from the fourth season of the series, so the short film revives the expectation of when they resume Phone Number Database USA US President Donald Trump extended voluntary isolation - social distancing - until April 30.